Daily activity english #8

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.

Dacquoise Cake

Hello good people, how are you today??

     Today I will tell you about my activity during practice in the kitchen. Yesterday because me and my friends made bread, so today we will be making cake. Today me and a friend from my group will make Dacquoise cake.  also i less understand about this cake but because there is a chef teaching me, so I must can to make it.

      I started to make this cake of hours 09 and finished around the 02 clock for quite a long time yes, it’s because to making this cake it was a bit of a difficult guys because many to be made the first like Sponge cake, cookies, and of course garnish guys.

This is the cake i make for today:

Dacquoise cake

         I made this cake guided by chef Salam. Chef is already very professionally in the field of pastry.  so making cake so little easy hehehe ...

This is my friend who was doing personal product today

Here’s the results of our practice today:

- Dacquoise cake 

- Strawbwrry lovers cake

- Alhamra cake

     After all the our cake for today finished, we immediately clean out all the area of kitchen that we use during practice.

Okk guys Thanks for today....


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