Daily activity english #7

Monday 10 sep 2018

Potato Donut

           Hello good people, see you again on my blog. How are you doing guys?  Certainly should be good news yeah hhh. Today I am going to re-tell my activity today. Today I re-entered practice in the kitchen because last week I again theory. Today I entered the kitchen at 6 AM because I have to make a product that we will sell. 

           Today me and my friends sell chicken satay and thank god the practice guys and there are still many who want to but it was sold out hehehe.

     Once our product is finished we are directed by our lecturer to make all kinds of bread/toti but today me and a friend group I made a donut potatoes. Make is not difficult but must need patience for maximum results.

Donut that we make today.

Our activity in the kitchen

     At a time when all of our product is already finished, me and my friends instantly tidy up all work areas that we use for practice and then do a general cleaning throughout the kitchen area.

      Today we go home at 19 :00. It's quite long anyway for the time lectures are normally only 8 hours but we did accidentally go home that time because we lived first story or joke like this my friend let me memorable so practice hehhe.

This is our product for today

Okk thanks guyss...


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