Daily activity english #6

Assalamulaikum wr. wb

Preapre Breakfast for leactures of Poltekpar Makassar

     Hello nice people, how are you guys today? Surely must be good  yeah heheh. This time I will re-tell everyday life or my activities during the practice in the kitchen. 

        Today me and a friend my group had a turn guys to make some kinds of cakes and breads for breakfast our lecturers at campus. This time our work quite a lot of guys because many of the products that we have to finish.

        This time I could not help my friend guys to make products for breakfast because I had to help my friend to make other products in order to improve the value of my guys.

Today I am going to make a product that we would sell guys. And the products we make today are ayam geprek.

      I started making ayam  geprek of 9 AM. The first thing I do is set up all the materials I will use. After everything was ready I immediately make ayam geprek.

        I finished making the ayam geprek 11 PM. When the ayam geprek done we create, we wrap it in accordance with the order that already exists. Here is a picture of chicken geprek us today.

Ayam geprek sambal ijo

 Ayam geprek black papper sauce

         Today I made chicken gepek 3 flavors of chicken geprek original sambal, ayam geprek sambal ijo and ayam geprek black papper sauce. And thank god, today our products are sold out guys and there are still many who want to but it's gone hehehe..

        After our product of the day is finished we directly clean the kitchen area that we use today.

Okk thanks for good people already reading my blog hehehe...


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