Daily report english #1

31 Julay 2018

Sate Taichan

Hello guys???
    Today i have entered ini the 5th semester guys and today ia my second day of practice after a long holiday. Today still feels tired and sleepy maybe due to the influence of long holiday hahaha...

       Today i start doing personal product and i make a meal that i give name sate Taichan Senayan. I cooked from 9 o'clock and finished at 12 o'clock. After cooking i then axplained the menu i Made to mau lecture but according my lecture make sate Taichan so easy, and i was told to repeat, but it's okay because i like to cook

      After explain is complete, then i help my friend to make croisant. After make the croisant is done, because we are hungry so eat first guys before general cleaning. After the general cleaning finished me and my friend went home.


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